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About This Site

This Page is Dedicated  to a Magician who had devoted his time to teaching the up and coming Magicians of Today

Rex Sinclair Steele

My aim is to help others learn this magical art.  It has helped me build my Self Confidence and it can help you too.

  Rex passed away at the age of 95 years of age on the 7th July 2000.  A well know Magician who is well respected by Magicians Australian Wide.  He was the Founder and Original Member of the Newcastle Society of  Magicians.  He has taught many young people the art of Magic at the Young Peoples Theatre in Newcastle.

  You can learn more about what Magic has done for Me by clicking        




These Trophies were won in 1987 as a result of the Hard Work that Rex had put into teaching me this great art.

Magic to me has been a real self confidence booster.  There are many Magicians out there in the World who would love to help you learn this magical art.  There has been another few Magicians besides Rex Sinclair who has taken me under their Wing.   One of those Magicians who has taken the time out to help me is 

Hubert Super Magician

Hubert was there in 1987 when I won these awards.  He has been there to help me throughout the years.  I owe a lot to this man of Magic. 

If You would like to learn more about the art of Magic you can

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