The Self-Tying
A knot instantly ties itself at the end of a handkerchief!
REQUIREMENTS: One cloth handkerchief with a knot tied in one corner.
Tell your friends that you can tie a knot in a handkerchief
using only one hand!
Pull the handkerchief out of your pocket, keeping the
knot hidden in your hand (Fig. 1). Pick up the opposite corner of the
handkerchief with the other hand, and grasp it as in Figure 2.
Snap the
handkerchief, releasing the end without the knot. Pick up the hanging end with
the other hand as before and repeat, again releasing the end without the knot
On the third try, let go of the knotted end as shown
(Figure 3), instead of the expected corner. The movement of the hand conceals
the switch, and makes this a very baffling effect