Challenge Knot Tie
Challenge your friends to tie a knot in a piece of rope without letting go of the ends. None of them will be able to do it, but you will!
REQUIREMENTS: A piece of rope 3 or 4 feet long.
This is an easy one, but it will baffle people who
don't know how to do it. Hold the rope as in Figure 1, and give your friends a
chance to try to tie a knot in the rope without at any time letting go of either
end. When they give up, take back the rope and lay it down on a table.
Now for the secret move: Cross your arms before you pick
up the rope!. Pick it up one end at a time to make it easier to grasp. When you
uncross your arms, a knot will appear in the middle of the rope, without your at
any time releasing either end!