Card Thru Hanky

EFFECT: Spectator chooses a card which is returned to the pack after it has been shown to the audience. Magician passes out a handkerchief for examination. He takes it back and wraps the deck up in it. When the spectator names his card, the magician proceeds to slowly and gently shake that card thru the handkerchief. When it has come all the was thru and fluttered to the floor, the performer passes out the still wrapped-up deck and card for examination.

METHOD: Have a card selected and controlled to the top. I use the Pass. When the card is replaced in the pack I get a little finger break and perform the pass after handing out the hanky. While they are examining it, checking to "Make sure there are no secret doors or sliding panels", there is sufficient misdirection to perform the pass. Just before taking the hanky back, palm the top card in the right hand and hold the deck in that hand also. Receive the hanky with the left, then take the deck in the left hand and grasp the other corner of the hanky in the right hand. You are now holding the hanky by two top corners with the rest of the hanky hanging down straight. You may now cross hands and show the other side of the hanky but be sure, of course, not to expose the palmed card. Now quickly let go of the corner with your right hand and place it under and in back of the hanky so that the hanky falls over the right palm which is about in the middle. You now have your right hand outstretched in front of you about waist high, palm up, with a card palmed in it and the hanky spread over it. Now place the deck in the center of the hanky over the palmed card. Pick up all the material that hangs down in front and fold it back and then fold the sides down and pull them back so you have the deck wrapped up fairly and the palmed card held by a fold of material at the sides. Gather all the material together at the top and hold the deck by it. Ask for the name of the card and when it is given you merely shake the wrapped deck up and down. The card will slowly slip into view.


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